
Being transparent means we are all working towards a common goal. At Holy Family our values of relationship, sharing and support underpin this transparency.


Our architecture is open, sleek and collaborative. An imperative we have is that we can all see and be seen. Windows feature prominently in all learning areas. Our furniture promotes communication and sharing.

Cafe style furniture

We’ve noticed that social places like cafes and pubs use furniture to faciliate communication. In a learning environment where we see sharing and developing learning relationships as key values and competencies the furniture is very similar. We use round tables, high tables, couches and boardroom tables in a range of settings to enable learners to work together. Being able to connect wirelessly to a number of screens adds to the equation.

A shift away from traditional classrooms

Our vision for schooling is one where classrooms no longer look like classrooms. We want our students to feel welcome, comfortable and “at home” in their environment.Our architecture is open, sleek and collaborative. An imperative we have is that we can all see and be seen. Windows feature prominently in all learning areas. Our furniture promotes communication and sharing.


We see supervision as a way of sharing what we do and learning from others. Our learning areas are designed to allow visual access to everyone. All of our staff share their learning design with each other on the school network.


Communication is the basis of how we interact with each other. We see active listening as a key to building trusting relationships. The voice of our students is paramount in this interaction.