/ 3/4BH & CM excursion

3/4BH & CM excursion

November 10, 2017

As part of Positive Education this year 3/4 CM and BH have planned an excursion to hike along the trails of Morialta Conservation park. The aim is to provide students with an opportunity to feel a sense of achievement as we near the end of the school year. Furthermore, allow students to set goals and work towards achieving them.

Accompanying the excursion, students will be provided with an opportunity to play on the newly created adventure playground. The playground is designed to encourage students to use their creativity and imagination, building team and social interaction skills.

The details for this event are as follows:

Date:                             Friday 10 November 2017 

Location:                       Morialta Conservation Park (hiking and adventure playground)

Time:                             Leaving school at 9:15am and returning approximately 2.30pm

Things to bring:            Wear sports uniform, hat, recess, lunch, sunscreen and a water bottle in an appropriate backpack.

Several volunteers will be required to help supervise the students throughout the day. If you have completed a police check through the school please come and speak to us if you would like to attend.