/ R/1JM, RV, TB & GC excursion

R/1JM, RV, TB & GC excursion

No dates for this event

R/1JM, RV, TB and GC will be visiting the St Kilda Adventure Playground and will be utilize the expertise of Mr. McCarthy (Head of the school Fish Farm) to incorporate a fishing component to our excursion.  Holy Family is very proud of the learning opportunities that have been afforded through the introduction of the Fish Farm this year and we see this as a great extension and consolidation of the learning that has already occurred.

The details for this event are as follows:

Date:                             Wednesday 1 November 2017 

Location:                       St Kilda Adventure Playground

Time:                             Leaving school at 9.30am and returning approximately 12.20pm

Things to bring:             Students will need to bring a hat, wear their sports uniform and bring a labelled drink bottle as well as a labelled snap lock bag with their recess (food that does not to be refrigerated) 

Several volunteers will be required to help supervise the students throughout the day. If you have completed a police check through the school please come and speak to us if you would like to attend.