/ Yr 3/4MC, SM & DP sleepover

Yr 3/4MC, SM & DP sleepover

October 19, 2017

To celebrate the last term together and a great year of learning, we are going to be having a ‘sleepover’ at school on Thursday 19 October 2017 (Week 1/Term 4). This is the evening before the ‘Pupil Free day’ on Friday 20 October.

Students will go home from school on Thursday at 3 pm, shower, have a snack and return back to school at 5:00 pm in comfortable clothing suitable for physical activity.  The evening will be spent sharing a meal, participating in organised entertainment, watching a PG movie (see consent below) and then sleeping in the Hall.

Upon waking on Friday morning, students will pack their belongings, get changed out of pyjamas, have breakfast and be collected between 8.30am and 9.00am.  OSHC (subject to availability and booking) will be available after this time as Friday 20 October is a Pupil Free day at Holy Family.

Students will need to bring to the sleepover;

  • Something to sleep on, e.g. an already blown-up mattress, camp bed or yoga mat;
  • Some bedding or sleeping bag and pillow;
  • PJ’s, teddy, slippers or thongs;
  • Toiletries (toothbrush/toothpaste/hairbrush/hair ties).

The cost of the sleepover is $20, which includes pizza, ice cream, entertainment and a breakfast of cereal and toast.

If your child has a specific food allergy or dietary requirement, please let your child’s class teacher know.